Queenteeshirt-Skull Metallica Belarus Flag shirt

 Attorney General: There has already been the Skull Metallica Belarus Flag shirt Furthermore, I will do this first female attorney general (Janet Reno, under Bill Clinton), the first Black attorney general (Eric Holder, under Obama), and the first Latino attorney general (Alberto Gonzales, under George W. Bush). But there has never been a South Asian attorney general. Cue up Preet Bharara, the highly respected former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, who was forced out of that position by Trump in 2017. Bharara, who was born in India and came with his family to the U.S. as a toddler, has found a second career as a podcaster, law school professor, and author, but a move back into government would certainly come as welcome news to his 1.4 million Twitter followers.

Skull Metallica Belarus Flag shirt

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